This past week was a good one. Nothing too exciting or noteworthy went on. I had a pretty low-key weekend. On Friday night, Jill (one of my housemates) and I made a trip to Jerry's Snowcones for dinner. I had never eaten "real" food there before. I had a corn dog and cheese fries. I wouldn't order either one of those again. I get the impression other things on the menu are much better. Then, on Sunday after church, I went to lunch with friends. I spent the rest of the day with the one and only, Sarah Eichner. I really enjoyed finally getting to see her new house and hearing about her upcoming wedding plans. Congrats to her and Caleb (the fiance)!
But, that's not all. In the sermon yesterday, my pastor said something that really stuck out to me. He says alot of things that really stick out to me. But, for some reason, he said one sentence that I'm still thinking about today. "Nothing you ever give to Jesus is wasted." It's not earth shatttering. I realize that. But, it hit me right where I'm at right now in my walk with the Lord. My pastor was actually referencing the story of the woman, who anointed Jesus with a very expensive jar of perfume not long before his crucifixion.
The story is told by two different accounts, once in Matthew 26 and once in Mark 14. So, I was reading over both accounts today. And, I learned a few things. First of all, I didn't realize this story appeared in the Bible twice. Second, I'm not sure I've ever really read it for myself to see what Jesus actually says about the woman. When the disciples freaked about what she did, Jesus replied very calmly. "Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." Matthew 26:10-13 Did you see that? Did you hear what He said about her? I don't think I ever noticed that before now.
So, you combine what my pastor said and the words of Jesus, and it speaks straight to my heart. My problem is that I look at my life as the woman through the eyes of the disciples. I never think that what I am doing for the Lord is good enough or done well enough. I live in a constant fear of disobeying Him. And, I think I make it all too difficult. I look at life from a completely skewed view. And, I know it in my head, but it hasn't quite sunk into my heart. I want my life to look like the woman's perfume. I want my life to be a sweet fragrance poured out for my Savior. And, what He said of the woman, I want Him to say of me. I'm so glad the Lord is perfect in all things. I'm so glad He's perfectly patient because this girl is a tough one to get through to. :)