Tuesday, July 26, 2011


That's what I must be - crazy.  This is the heap of books that arrived at my house today.  When I saw them packaged in FOUR boxes, I freaked out.  Of course, the teacher in me had to double check and make sure I had all the items I was supposed to have.  And, believe it or not, there is one book missing.  CRAZY!!!  That's what I am.  What am I thinking?  I have no idea what I'm doing or how I'm getting all these books and my own belongings to the other side of the world.  But, it's happening.  Somehow.

Speaking of crazy, that's what I've been thinking a lot lately.  This whole thing is crazy.  And, yet, I'm still going.  I don't say that to make myself sound better than anyone else.  If you knew how many times a day I cry or quesion whether I'm doing the right thing, you wouldn't think very highly of me.  I'm going because I know I'd be miserable if I stayed here.  I know this coming school year would be the worst of my life, if I didn't do this.  Whatever "this" is.  I'm still not sure.  So, I'm hoping people don't get annoyed when I can't explain myself very clearly.  When I understand it all and have the words to explain it, believe me - I will.  But, right now on this side of things, I don't.  It's just a little crazy.

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