Saturday, August 20, 2011

Pizza Hut, Wal-Mart, and the First Day of School

Last weekend, I went out to dinner for some pizza.  We went to Pizza Hut.  But, let me tell you, it was much different than any of the ones I've ever been to.  Pizza Hut here in East Asia is like going to a five star restaurant in America.  The inside of this place was pretty fancy.  And, they served much more than pizza.  The menu had so many different sections I couldn't believe it.

On Monday, we started school.  For those who didn't know, that is what I'm doing with much of my time here.  I'm attempting be a homeschool teacher to two wonderful students.  I was very nervous and dreading it all day and night Sunday.  But, now, we can say that we successfully finished our first week of school.  And, no, it was not easy.  But, I am learning along with the girls.  I am learning more and more about myself as a teacher and a person.  I'll let you know more about that later.

After we finished school on Monday, we went to Wal-Mart to buy a few school supplies.  The Wal-Mart here is much different than the ones in America.  It has four floors and escalators.  When you get a shopping cart, you can push it onto the escalator.  The wheels are metal with groves that connect to the escalator.  You don't even have to hold onto your basket!  There are many different things to be found in this store.  And, I documented some of those things for you.

The oil aisle.  They use alot of oil in the cooking here.  Appetizing . . . right?

Oreos.  Bet you've never seen double berry creme filling or orange/lemon filling!  And, yes, those are more flavors in the background.  I had to leave that aisle quickly.  :)

Here we are riding the escalator down to the first floor on our way to catch the first bus home.

Lastly, I came down with a hacking cough, stuffy nose, and the voice of man on Monday morning.  So, I thought I would share with you what I've been taking - East Asian cough syrup, Tylenol Cold, and Golden Throat Lozenges.  They seem to be working.  So, hopefully, I'll be better soon!


  1. We prayed for you a few nights ago at supper, Sara. Know that lots of people on this side are loving you from a distance and supporting you!!
    That Wal-Mart looks AWESOME. It's like a mall! I want to go there. Praying for your teaching. God really stretches us through challenges, but I know you are an amazing teacher and are doing a better job than you think you are.
    Love youuu!!

  2. Laura!!!!!! I love you. And, I am so thankful for friends like you and Parker. I really appreciate all of your support and encouragement. It means so much to me!

  3. Oh, and, Laura - I've tried many times to respond to your comments. And, it just now let me. Don't take this the wrong way - but we can't use the g or p word. K, love you!

  4. Wow...who knew pizza hut could be so nice :) And the Wal-Mart....oh my! I'm not sure I would have made it out of there....I probably would have gotten lost! Thanks for sharing!! Love you!
