Thursday, December 8, 2011


I've come to the realization recently that I've kinda had an attitude problem of sorts, since I've been home from East Asia.  Well, I guess that's what you could call it.  And, I just want to take a moment to apologize for that.  I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way when I've talked to anyone in person or on the phone about my journey around the world.  It was never my intention to give the impression that I'm not incredibly thankful and grateful for the opportunity I've been given.  Also, it was never my intention to come across as being unhappy, angry, resentful, or any other negative adjective I can't think of right now.

But, I do want say a few things in regard to this problem I've been having lately.  I could sum it up in two words - the Enemy.  While I was gone and since I've been home, I've battled with him alot.  The Enemy had me convinced that nothing I did in East Asia was even worth talking about once I came home.  I realized recently that I've only shown pictures from my time away to one other person.  He has played so many mind games with me lately that it's ridiculous.  It was even worse while I was gone.  On a daily basis, I was beat down by this voice that said I was wasting my time.  The Enemy tried to convince me that everything I was doing was pointless.  He tried to tell me I was worthless and nothing I did was important.

So, here's a reminder to anyone reading this.  There is a battle going on.  It is not one of flesh and blood. But, it is very real.  The Enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.  And, he is doing a darn good job of it.  His voice can be very convincing.  But, remember this.  He is a liar and a thief.  And, in the end, he will not win.  One day soon, he will get what's coming to him. 

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