Last Thursday, I went to my first concert of the Christmas season. It just so happened to be a Kari Jobe concert. And, it just so happens that several of the songs she sings got me through many difficult moments in East Asia. The words are so powerful and speak so much truth into my life. On Thursday night, she came out on stage in a cute red dress and sang beautifully, as usual. In the middle of the concert, she took a moment to talk about her own life and some difficult things she's experienced recently. And, as she sat there and shared some very raw emotions, she said some things that spoke straight to me. She said that sometimes our Father allows us to walk through things. Things that don't make sense. Things that are difficult. And, often times, we don't know why. Many times there are no answers, no explanations. Her advice? Well, in these times, she said there is only one thing we can do. When there is no answer to our question of why, we have only one place to turn. We need to lean into Him. Press harder into Him. We may never know why certain things happen or why He allows us to walk through difficult seasons. We just need to lean into Him.
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