Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Perfect Christmas

Every year around Christmas time, I find myself trying to make everything "perfect".  And, I don't think I'm the only one.  We all worry about putting up perfect decorations, buying the perfect presents, making the perfect cookies, and blah, blah blah, blah blah.  And, for what?  It never turns out perfect.  Never.

But, we spend so much time every year trying to make Christmas perfect.  I went out into the madness on Christmas Eve Eve this week.  (Which should tell you something about me, too.)  And, it was crazy!  The mall was SO crowded, people everywhere.  I took my life in my hands just going Target!  And, yes, I stopped long enough to take pictures.  It made me stop and think.


So many people...

And, more CRAZY!!!

Christmas is not about presents, food, decorations, Santa Claus, what your kids asked Santa for, all these sappy movies that turn into love stories, or any of that stuff.  Christmas is about a baby.  A baby that was born in the worst possible circumstances into a messed up world.  Christmas is about a baby that had to spend his first night laying in the place where barn animals eat.  Christmas is about a baby that some set out to worship, and some set out to kill.

That's what Christmas is about.  This baby with ten perfect fingers and ten perfect toes was Christmas.  This baby, with what I'm sure was a perfectly, cute nose, was Christmas.  And, He is still Christmas today.  It is because of a this perfect baby that we celebrate.  Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


I've come to the realization recently that I've kinda had an attitude problem of sorts, since I've been home from East Asia.  Well, I guess that's what you could call it.  And, I just want to take a moment to apologize for that.  I'm sorry if I've come across the wrong way when I've talked to anyone in person or on the phone about my journey around the world.  It was never my intention to give the impression that I'm not incredibly thankful and grateful for the opportunity I've been given.  Also, it was never my intention to come across as being unhappy, angry, resentful, or any other negative adjective I can't think of right now.

But, I do want say a few things in regard to this problem I've been having lately.  I could sum it up in two words - the Enemy.  While I was gone and since I've been home, I've battled with him alot.  The Enemy had me convinced that nothing I did in East Asia was even worth talking about once I came home.  I realized recently that I've only shown pictures from my time away to one other person.  He has played so many mind games with me lately that it's ridiculous.  It was even worse while I was gone.  On a daily basis, I was beat down by this voice that said I was wasting my time.  The Enemy tried to convince me that everything I was doing was pointless.  He tried to tell me I was worthless and nothing I did was important.

So, here's a reminder to anyone reading this.  There is a battle going on.  It is not one of flesh and blood. But, it is very real.  The Enemy seeks to kill, steal, and destroy.  And, he is doing a darn good job of it.  His voice can be very convincing.  But, remember this.  He is a liar and a thief.  And, in the end, he will not win.  One day soon, he will get what's coming to him. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lean In

Last Thursday, I went to my first concert of the Christmas season.  It just so happened to be a Kari Jobe concert.  And, it just so happens that several of the songs she sings got me through many difficult moments in East Asia.  The words are so powerful and speak so much truth into my life.  On Thursday night, she came out on stage in a cute red dress and sang beautifully, as usual.  In the middle of the concert, she took a moment to talk about her own life and some difficult things she's experienced recently.  And, as she sat there and shared some very raw emotions, she said some things that spoke straight to me.  She said that sometimes our Father allows us to walk through things.  Things that don't make sense.  Things that are difficult.  And, often times, we don't know why.  Many times there are no answers, no explanations.  Her advice?  Well, in these times, she said there is only one thing we can do.  When there is no answer to our question of why, we have only one place to turn.  We need to lean into Him.  Press harder into Him.  We may never know why certain things happen or why He allows us to walk through difficult seasons.  We just need to lean into Him.