Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Not-Yet Married"

So, I'm not positive, but there is probably some rule prohibiting sharing a blog post in your own blog.  However, I don't care.  This was too good not to share!  It was so well written.  And, don't think I didn't notice a new name for the category most singles are in: not-yet married.  Love this!  It's so point on.  (Link listed below.)  If you know me very well at all, then, you know a few things about my feelings toward singleness and how our society views it.   Nevertheless, I will share them a little here, just in case.

#1:  I can't stand it when married people try to preach to singles or about singleness. 
Here's the thing.  If you married right out of college, you really don't know what it means to be single.  It's just that simple.  If you married your high school sweetheart, I'm not even gonna go there.  Your clever tweets or sayings don't mean a whole lot because you know nothing about the subject on which you are speaking.  It would be like me trying to give my married friends advice on being married.  I've never been married.  So, on that matter, I'm gonna keep my mouth shut.  I really can't give any advice about loving a husband, being a good wife, or raising children.  I've never done it.

#2:  I can't stand it when people (in general) ask me if I'm dating someone / if I want to get married / if I want to have children.  
First of all, if I was dating someone, you'd know it.  It would not be a secret.  Secondly, just because I'm single, it does not mean I do not want to get married.  I do.  Most single people I know want to get married.  It's not like we're against marriage or have some marriage haters' club.  And, as for having children, I want to have children.  Most single people I know want to have children.  But, as if it's not obvious, I would like to have the husband first and then the children.  That's the best order I have found.  Furthermore, when certain people ask me one or all of these questions, it's all I can do not to come back with a smart alec comment.

This is what I'm tempted to say...

#3:  Singles are not the Junior Varsity or some unimportant, no-name sect of people.
I think in our culture there are some huge misconceptions about singles, especially in the "American Christianity" culture.  In the church, a single person can truly be made to feel like the Junior Varsity, while the married couples are the Varsity.  It's just not true.  Plain and simple.  There is nothing wrong with single people or singleness.  Therefore, we do not enjoy being treated as less than or inferior to married people.  Our culture / society has created this problem.  I think it has gone on for a long time, and no one knows how to fix it.

I went off on this little tangent simply to share some thoughts.  If you're married, I'm happy for you.  I've heard it's one of the best decisions a person can ever make.  I am in no way bitter toward you or bitter about being single.  It is what it is.  I'm trusting in God's timing and perfect plan for me.  Every person I know is in some form or another in a "different season" in life.  I'm in mine, and you're in yours.  If you're single and honest, I think you might agree with some of the things I've said.  If not, it's cool.  We can agree to disagree.  But, you should totally read the blog post I mentioned earlier.  It's worth your time.  Here's the link:  Single, Satisfied, and Sent 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baby Stewart's Shower

On Sunday, I had the privilege of helping host a baby shower for two of my dearest friends, Emily and Kyle.  They are pregnant with their first, baby girl Stewart.  We had so much fun celebrating them and baby girl Sunday afternoon.  I tried to create a storybook theme for the shower, complete with a storybook cake, Dr. Seuss sign-in book, and a "Once Upon a Baby" banner.  I can admit it: I had fun decorating for this shindig!  Tracy, Jennifer, Carrie, and I all had fun throwing this shower for the Stewart's.  I think seeing all the cute pink, purple, and ORANGE (for the UT Vols of course) frills, bows, socks, hats, and outfits really made it real!  She'll be here so soon!

Decorations!!! (Hanging decor made possible by Brian Rowell.)

The sweet was so good!

The corsage, the quilt, sweet friends...

Of course, the shower would not have been complete without a few funny things.  Emily's corsage was so pretty and purple.  Tracy and I forgot about it until halfway through the shower.  Then, pinning it on  became quite the task.  Several brave souls tried, but none succeeded.  It was pretty funny!  Then, there was the cake cutting.  None of us wanted to do it.  But, luckily, Tracy stepped up and did an awesome job!  

The quilt was made by my mom.  And, I have to brag on her for a minute.  It is so beautiful!  I helped pick out the colors and fabric, but take NONE of the credit.  My mom did an awesome job!  It is so special to me.  Emily is one of my closest friends.  She's been there for me through many, many things over the years, both happy and difficult times.  It's just special to celebrate with her and Kyle.  And, I think I speak for so many people when I say, I can't wait to meet her!!!!  I'm so stinkin' excited!  Kyle and Emily are going to make great parents.  I think baby girl already has them wrapped around her little finger, especially Kyle.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's been a while...

So, I think it's safe to say:  I'm a horrible blogger.  Considering my last post was in December, I should probably be fired.  Haha.  I guess I just haven't had enough exciting things to write about lately.  However, I will say 1 big change has happened in my life recently.  I moved from the Downline house where I lived for the past year.  At the end of July, all the ladies of Yorkshire Manor moved out and a new group of Emerging Leader ladies moved in.  (They're awesome!)  It was bittersweet.  Kelly, Jill, JaNell, and I all stayed in Memphis.  Liz set out on her next big adventure and moved to Nashville.  (She's the happiest girl I know, as it's been a dream of hers to live in Nashville! :)

Anyway, I moved from the Manor to Binghampton.  If you know me very well, you know what a big deal this is.  BINGHAMPTON!!!  And, I'm probably the happiest girl to be living in this neighborhood.  Seriously!  This has been 5 years in the making.  I'll take you back 5 years real quick to explain myself.  In 2008, I worked for a urban home repair ministry here in Memphis called SOS, Service Over Self.  It was there that God truly rocked my world, and I haven't been the same since.  It was through SOS that God really broke my heart for the poor and showed me what His Word says about loving and serving them.  I worked on summer staff at SOS again in 2009.  That summer God spoke very clearly to me about a few things.  What He showed me was a clear calling on my life to the inner city and to the nations.  It was almost like He was saying, "This is where I want you.  I want you to live among and serve the poor and the nations.  And, if you're not doing those two things, you're disobeying me.  It's that simple."  No, He didn't talk to me in an audible voice.  (Although, that would have been pretty awesome!)  But, He made it very clear through hearing the same passage of scripture taught several times in a matter of days.

So, now, I find myself living in the Bing.  And, I have to admit:  so far, I haven't lived any more intentionally than I did in East Memphis or Bartlett.  I'm learning my view of community and neighborhood needs to change.  I'm learning I need to step outside myself alot more in order to really love my neighbors.  I'm learning there are deeply rooted sins that rear their ugly heads more often now that I live in this neighborhood.  I'm learning sweet Mrs. Taylor, who lives next door, could teach me alot about gardening.  Her yard puts ours to shame!  I'm learning I have so much to learn from my neighbors.  I have so much to learn about loving the way Christ did.  To love without reservation or thought of what it might cost me.  To love unselfishly and with no expectation of anything in return.