Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's a butt-kicker!

This typically isn't one of those blogs where you can find yummy recipes, cool crafts, or suggested reading.  But, recently, I read a book called, Kisses from Katie.  And, it was for sure a butt-kicker.  It REALLY made me think about my life and how I've been living it.  If you're not familiar with this book or Katie Davis' story, let me give you a little background information.

The book you should read.  :)
Katie Davis is a twenty-two year old, single, white girl from Nashville, Tennessee.  She lives in Uganda, Africa, where she is in the process of adopting thirteen little girls.  She is also the founder and director of a non-profit organization called, Amazima.  This organization feeds and sends hundreds of children to school, carrying the financial burden for their parents or guardians.  She has also started a beading group for Ugandan women to earn an income through making magazine bead necklaces.  In addition, Katie has helped countless numbers of people by bringing them into her home, providing them with food, giving them medical attention, and offering a bath and clean clothes to wear.  Katie only attended college for one semester.  She doesn't have a degree or any type of educational or medical certification.  Yet, she is making a difference in the lives of so many.

This book just made me think.  Alot.  Why can't I do that?  Why couldn't my life look that?  No, I don't want TO BE Katie.  But, I want to live like she is.  I want to know when I go to bed each night that I did everything I could do to serve the poor, widows, and orphans.  Why don't more people live like this?  Why is her story such a rare thing in our society today?  I think I already know the answers.  But, it doesn't make me feel any better.  Anyway, you should read this book.  You won't regret it.  

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