Monday, September 24, 2012

Classes, dinner, and a movie...

This past week was packed with classes and awesome teachings.  Altogether, we had class 4 out of the 5 days.  On Monday night and Wednesday morning, we had about 3 hours worth of teaching from Genesis, most of which I need to study and re-study.  Then, on Thursday night, the EL's had 2 hours of teaching on Bibliology.  (Never heard of it?  Welcome to the club!  I'm the President.  Ha.)  And, on Friday morning, we had 2 hours of teaching on evangelism.  So, aside from swimming in all I was taught during the week, it was good.  :)

Then, I had a pretty good weekend, too.  I had dinner with the parentals on Friday night.  Saturday, I had lunch with friends, Allen and Brittany.  (I would've taken a pic, but there's nothing that great about Chic-fil-a.)  Sunday night, my housemates and I were treated to Lee's culinary creations.  He made chicken parmesan with pasta.  We also had broccoli and garlic bread.  For dessert, we had a homemade, chocolate swirl cheesecake that Jill made.  It was all delicious!


Thank you, Lee!

Jill and her awesome cheesecake!

After dinner, I went to see the movie, Unconditional, with friends.  Oddly enough, I found out my 7th grade science teacher and her husband produced it.  Small world, huh?  It was a great story with several unexpected twists.  But, the overall theme was God's unconditional love for us.  Hopefully, it did well in theaters over the weekend!

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