Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Market

On Tuesday, I was able to go to an open market across the street from where I am staying.  I was interested to see if it would be like others in different places I have visited.  And, it was.  It was not as crazy and crowded as I expected it to be.  It may have had something to do with the time of day.  I'm not sure.

Here are some pictures of what I saw there.  I think this lady is packaging individual portions of tofu to sell.

This lady if cutting up chicken like it did something to her.  Maybe this is their version of anger management.  Notice, you can buy a whole chicken if you like (bottom left-hand corner).

And, you can buy almost every vegetable imaginable here.  The big, oversized, watermelon-looking thing is some type of squash.  Really big squash.

You can also buy bread and pastries here.  We bought some of these little cakes.  They are flaky, sweet, and taste like honey.  Maybe sometime, I will take you to Wal-Mart or downtown to go shopping.  :)

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